
Higgely-Piggely Postings

This is all out of order. More will be coming out of order as well.

On Tuesday we visited the new Museum of Decorative Arts. It only opened about a week ago. It has all sorts of interior and fashion stuff inside it. This is one of the places that Doreen had wanted to go since we arrived. All I could think about was how much Charles and Ed would have loved this place.

It is an entire wing of the Louvre, the north wing. Because we had a museum pass, we were able to cut the line. That made it all worthwhile.

There was too much stuff to accurately describe.

We wandered over to St Germain for a nice cheesy lunch, followed by a long walk to the Mephisto store. It is a shoe store. We got lost on our way there once again, but found it anyway.

We each bought a pair of shoes and walked home.

We ate at the Atelier de Joel Robuchon that night. More in a bit.


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